The Lost Ark is packed with gold spam and bots

Feb-24-2022 PST Category: Lost Ark

The Lost Ark proved to be a huge success for Amazon, but as the number of Lost Ark Gold players grew, bots often appeared. The MMORPG is still hitting the height of 1 million concurrent players on Steam (according to SteamDB) two weeks after its release, although reports of gold spam and resource usage are only getting more frequent.

Lately, players have been reporting that bots are sanding the starting area for completion percentages, taking up a lot of enemy spawns and chained quests. While there are some videos, some posts are more text- or image-based. It's kind of funny to watch a bunch of berserkers vaporize a big bad guy in complete unison in a matter of seconds.

One problem with the community that has been around since launch is gold seller spam in public chat. Some players have taken to the forums and subreddit to report that the problem is still worsening. I've also been playing Lost Ark, no doubt quite frequently. As the name suggests, players can manipulate bots to send spam gold sales posts in public chats, which prevents people from organizing events like dungeons.

In a recent update on the popular issue, Amazon Games and Smilegate RPG explained that they were aware of the issue and have since been running frequent scripts to ban them. "We are actively working to improve our in-game moderation tools," they said at the time. "We will continue to monitor, remove these golden spammers and take action as needed.

"While we are working on a more permanent fix for spammers in chat, you can create a new chat tab by clicking the '+' icon in the chat box and selecting the type of chat to include or exclude. This will allow you to hide zone chat."

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Another Amazon-released MMO, New World, also sees bot-related issues. Soon after launch, many of the best fishing spots and resource mining spots were filled with bots. In fact, Amazon Gaming has said that lost ark buy gold tackling robotics is one of their priorities this month.