ELDEN RING RUNES: This Is What Professionals Do

Feb-21-2025 PST Category: Elden Ring

In Elden Ring, runes serve as the backbone of progression, acting as the primary currency used for leveling up your character, upgrading gear, and purchasing essential Elden Ring Runes from merchants. As one of the most crucial components of gameplay, mastering the mechanics of runes can make the difference between being an average player and a professional. If you want to maximize your rune farming and usage efficiency, learning the strategies that seasoned players use can significantly improve your game.


In this article, we'll dive deep into what professionals do to manage their runes, from farming to using them effectively. Whether you're just starting out or you're looking to optimize your rune strategy, the following tips will elevate your game to a whole new level.


1. Rune Farming Locations: Where Pros Go

For professionals, rune farming isn't about grinding mindlessly for hours on endit's about maximizing your time and efficiency. Pros know exactly where to go to farm the most runes in the shortest amount of time. Some prime locations are ideal for quickly collecting runes:


Altus Plateau The Bestial Sanctum

The Bestial Sanctum is an iconic location for farming high rune yields in Elden Ring. The area is home to several high-rune yielding enemies, including Bestial Creatures that drop hundreds to thousands of runes upon defeat. Professional players often use this area in combination with a Rune Arc to boost rune yields even further.


Mohgwyn Palace

Another spot that professionals swear by is Mohgwyn Palace, which becomes accessible later in the game. The area is filled with Mogwin Palace Rats, which respawn quickly and drop significant amounts of runes. The sheer density of enemies here means that you can kill them rapidly, leading to fast rune accumulation. Pro players often utilize Bloodhound's Fang or Rivers of Blood to clear these enemies in mere seconds.


Farm at Night

Many experienced players take advantage of night-time farming. In the game, Night's Cavalry is an excellent source of runes. The Night's Cavalry boss, found in certain regions like the Consecrated Snowfield or Liurnia of the Lakes, offers a significant payout. Pro players know the optimal time and place for this fight and often farm it in a New Game Plus cycle for increased difficulty and more rune rewards.


2. Efficient Use of Rune Arcs and Golden Scarabs

Rune Arcs are essential for players looking to maximize their rune gains, and pros make sure to use them whenever they can. A Rune Arc boosts your runes gained from enemies by a massive percentage, and it's often combined with the Golden Scarab talisman, which further increases rune rewards.


Golden Scarab Talisman

The Golden Scarab is one of the best rune-boosting talismans in the game. By equipping it, you'll get a notable increase in the amount of runes dropped by enemies, especially when combined with Rune Arcs. Pros never farm without it unless they're specifically grinding for something other than runes.


When to Use Rune Arcs

Professionals don't waste Rune Arcs on random kills. They save them for more significant farming runs or boss fights, especially when they plan to farm high-tier areas where runes drop in large quantities. It's an investment that, when timed right, offers massive returns.


3. Utilizing Bonfire Ascetics for Increased Rune Yield

Bonfire Ascetics are another tool professionals use to increase rune rewards. By using an Ascetic at specific bonfires, you'll make the area's enemies more powerful, but with an increase in rune rewards. Professional players know how to balance this risk for maximum return.


How Pros Use Bonfire Ascetics: They tend to use these at bonfires with dense enemy populations, ensuring that when enemies respawn after using the Ascetic, they yield a higher rune payout. However, pros also recognize the risk involved. Making sure you have the correct build and enough resources (such as healing items and weapons) is vital when using Bonfire Ascetics for farming.

4. Mastering Rune Pouch for Efficient Rune Carrying

One of the tools pros use to manage their runes effectively is the Rune Pouch. This item allows players to carry multiple types of runes (specifically Smithing Stones, Gravity Runes, and Soul Runes) at once. This is particularly important during long farming sessions or when players are managing multiple rune-based spells.


Rune Pouch in Combat

During boss fights, pro players will also use their Rune Pouch to store and access their rune consumables quickly. It's especially helpful for boss encounters, where the pacing of the fight can be intense, and a quick access to consumables, like Rune Arcs, can make or break a battle.


5. How Pros Use Runes for Skill Progression

It's not just about collecting runes for itemsprofessionals know that managing runes for leveling up efficiently is one of the most crucial parts of the game. Rather than mindlessly dumping all runes into a single stat, prosdevelop a balanced leveling approach.


Maximizing Rune Investment: Stat Focus

Pro players often focus on a particular stat early on, depending on their build, but they avoid overspending on low-return stats. For example, if you're focused on Dexterity, professionals recommend making sure you have sufficient Vigor and Endurance as secondary investments, as they help in surviving longer against tougher foes.


Rune Management: When to Use Large Amounts

When accumulating large amounts of runes, pros wait for the right moments to use them, typically after unlocking key boss fights or after reaching a critical milestone in their build. They avoid dumping all their runes too early, as investing in stats at the right time offers significant benefits.


6. Using Rune Duplication Techniques

While this is an advanced tactic, professionals in Elden Ring know the importance of duplicating runes to maximize the amount of currency they have. Duplication is particularly helpful in farming scenarios when time is of the essence.


Methods: Some professionals use Multiplayer Rune Duplication techniques, where they can transfer runes from one account to another. This is typically done through co-op sessions, and it allows players to double their rune yield without expending excessive time in the grind.

However, be aware that this technique involves multiplayer and requires a level of strategy to avoid being flagged for potential exploits. Always ensure that your method aligns with the game's rules to avoid penalties.


7. Selling and Trading Items for Runes

In addition to farming, pro players know how to take advantage of the Elden Ring economy. Selling rare items to NPCs or trading them for runes can quickly generate substantial income. Weapons, armor, and consumables with high market value are often exchanged for large quantities of runes.


Best Items to Sell

Certain boss drops (like Rune Armor or Legendary Weapons) fetch premium prices from NPC vendors. Pros also know which crafting materials can be sold for higher than average rune prices, making it an effective way to keep the rune flow constant.



Elden Ring's runes are more than just a currencythey are the lifeblood of your adventure. To truly excel at managing them, professionals employ a combination of strategic farming, Rune Arc use, and masterful inventory management. Whether you're focused on maximizing your rune returns from farming, leveling up your stats efficiently, or exploiting the game's economy, following these professional techniques will ensure you're always ahead of the curve. By applying these strategies, you'll be well on your way to mastering Elden Ring Items system like a true pro.