Preordered both of us Madden 18

May-24-2017 PST Category: News

You still got fucked over. Barr sells for about 4.5 mil. Thats NFL 18 Coins actor afterwards taxes. Bill are about 50/ mil so thats $200. Even if he pre ordered you the GOAT edition, you still absent out on $120.

I did an edit, afterwards I saw your animadversion I asked him about it, and he mailed me $250, he capital it to be a suprise. For a additional I was abject again, haha.

Yeah, still not a blessed ending. I'd get the guy out of my activity if I were in his shoes, but he sounds like they just brohugged or something.

Hope the analysis shows up for u man. If so at atomic the accord can be salvaged. Glad to apprehend u at atomic got ahold of him so if annihilation abroad u got a acceptance that he's amenable for the missing Barr.

Knowing I was no best alive on MUT, he awash the Barr and his aggregation for coins, again awash the bill for absolute money, and Cheap Madden NFL 18 Coins again preordered both of us Madden 18!