Matching equipment to players on Week - Madden-sale

Mar-14-2017 PST Category: News

Cardinals and Pats are complete as far as matching equipment to players on Week 1. Pats, Cards, Dolphins, Chiefs, Vikings, Texans, Jets and Bills have all been done as a team. Several other elite and main players have been revised individually outside of the MUT 18 Coins  mentioned above as well.

I have a file on Madden 18 in the community downloads including the full draft and most Madden [MUT only] but I made my final update a few weeks before the release of Madden 18.

Only pertinent UDFA/Practice Squad players are added/created. I don't want to use up the limited create a player spots for irrelevant PS players unless there's an overwhelming desire to have them. (i.e. I added Paul Turner to the Eagles and Troymaine Pope to the Jets). There's probably a few more I should add but if I miss anything let me know.

Looking forward to downloading MUT Coins  when I'm back home Monday. Looks really good, judging off what you've listed.