Weekly Bonus Event: Arena Skirmish

Nov-01-2019 PST Category: WoW

Sharpen your sword and strengthen your board as you are summoned to the PvP Arena for small, small-scale conflicts. Let classic wow gold help you win.

This week: Arena Skirmish

Open the "Group Finder" (default hotkey: i) anywhere in Azeroth, select the "Player vs. Player" tab at the bottom of the window, and then select "Arena Clash" under "Casual" And "join the battle." Will be paired with your teammates and will provide you with an opponent that can be killed in the arena. You can also queue prefabricated groups or create your own groups in the Prefabricated tab.

Look for the following throughout the week:

The Chronicler Shoopa, the chronicler of Zudassa and Porurus, has a requirement for you - the arena call. Or, if you forget to pick it up there, you can launch it from the Adventure Journal.

Mission Requirements: Win 10 Arena PvP Skits

Reward: PvP Trophy Box

Passive Gain: Honor Increase by Minor Conflict + 50%

If you are always looking for an opportunity to honor, this is this week! Cheap wow classic gold is also cooked.

What is a reward event?

The rewards system consists of a rotation schedule for different events, currently scheduled for weekly runs starting on Tuesday. Each reward event grants a passive reward to a particular game event, provides a task for each event, and provides a notable reward for achieving the goal. In-game calendars can be used as a one-stop reference for event schedules. The Adventure Guide also provides links to event reward events directly, making it easy to accept any associated tasks.