P2Pah Diablo IV - The adventure so far makes no sense

Mar-21-2023 PST Category: Diablo4

After months of apprehensive how Inarius is aback to his accustomed cocky ( in belief Mephisto bent Inarius ripping his wings and eyelids off ) it fabricated me alpha cerebration that Blizzard has started to not chase the belief accustomed in the earlier books.

First affair is how we accept writings by the Priests of Rathma ( Books of Kalan ) talking about the old Cathedral of Light and Temple of the Triune but in D4 Inarius is actuality still accepted as a savior again? Abiding I get that it's been 3000 years aback the sin war but it's been 30 years aback D3 why would the bodies of altar aloof about alpha attractive at Inarius for help? Bigger yet how did he escape hell? Mephisto is advised one of the smartest Prime evils and there is no way he aloof larboard the aperture open. ( This I achievement is explained in detail during D4 Adventure ) and Lilith who has been abandoned by Inarius for bags of years aloof comes aback application a ritual? ( Who fabricated the temple? Alone Kalan ( Mendeln ul-Diomed ) and Rathma would accept the ability of that affectionate of ability and neither of them would appetite her aback and now we get to Rathma from Diablo 4... He aloof about has a key to hell that has never been mentioned already afore and both Inarius and Lilith knew about it alike admitting they were both prisoners elsewhere?

So the association apperceive about Inarius and Lilith but do they aloof not accept to care? I assumption aback your apple is actuality beat by demons and monsters whats the aberration amid 2 added and alike praising one batty Angel as the savior of Sanctuary.

Just one point: Mephisto in not in Hell attention the aperture anymore, by the end of Diablo 3, all Prime Evils are in the atramentous anatomy stone, which got burst during the Malthael Fight in Reaper of Sould. This afresh liberates all the Prime Evils souls. but they're not aback at abounding ability aloof yet

Also Prime Evils and Archangels are immortals, they can never be absolutely killed, they are either confined or (temporary) slain, and afresh they will consistently be reincarnated/resurrected.

The youtube video (from 10 years ago) Imperius asleep Diablo in this specific moment of the abiding conflict, as he was bedeviled by acrimony and aloof capital to accept his "fuck you" moment to Diablo. We can bet that they've collapsed anniversary added bags of time.

If all abiding entities (Prime Evils and archangels) can balance from actuality collapsed (We asleep Diablo in Diablo 1 & 2 & 3...) It's additionally analytic to accept that they can change and heal. or If they can litteraly resurect from actuality "killed", an angel or a demon can for abiding balance from actuality injured/loosing a anatomy allotment (if you can accede Inarius' wings a anatomy part).

Also the end of reaper of souls is abounding with Belief Journal Entries about Lilith and Inarius, and we are affectionate of fucking up/shaking things up in Pandemonium in Act V of diablo 3.

So actuality is the situation:

Angel side: With the angiris actuality devastated (Tyrael is human, Malthael went bonkers and is afresh defeated, Imperius addled by acerbity actuality a pos, theyre not in a bearings to administer anything.

Demon side: The Afire Hell litteraly accept NO prime angry alive, and I assumption that they alone alpha their "reincarnation" action from the moment reaper of souls is done.

We don't apperceive what happened to Tyrael and the horadrim, but I'm academic article abhorrent charge accept happened accustomed how black and atrocious Lorath is.

Anyway with a big abandoned in ability and litteraly noPrime Angry at the captain in the Afire Hell, and the huge anarchy in the High Heavens, the time seems accomplished for Lilith and Inarius to be like "we're aback bitches".

Maybe "Elias" was a horadrim that went rogue. Did he abandon the order? He seems to be cool powerful, why did he accompany Lilith home? And buying & selling Diablo IV Gold at https://www.p2pah.com/diablo-4-gold.html when D4 come out.