Madden NFL 21 has a lot of new updates in the franchise model

Jan-07-2021 PST Category: Madden 21

Madden NFL 21 has a lot of new updates in the franchise model. Although there is no completely fixed model, it seems to be a step in the right direction.

After yesterday's game with Spongebob, EA Sports once again provided Madden NFL 21 fans with some more specific news. Today, the team shared the second set of updated information about the franchise model. Most people will remember that some big changes have been made in the past year. This is part of an ongoing process to get the model that fans want, just like the cheap Madden 21 coins that fans want. This update mainly deals with improvements to the CPU draft logic and better debugger controls.

For me, I think logical improvement will be the biggest improvement so far. Importantly, this update saw changes in CPU logic in the draft quarterback. Previously, QB was drafted only in one season, and another was drafted in the second year. The game did not give those players proper development time, which caused the team to waste draft picks chasing generations of quarterbacks. The new logic should better replicate real-world draft strategies. It may not sound huge, but for players seeking immersion and Mut 21 coins, this is an important step.

The commissioners also received several new tools. These will help the Alliance in various ways. Whether it's the use of league settings to ensure a fair game environment or the ability to allow players to customize their X-factor skills, these are tools that players have always requested.

Perfect? Absolutely not. However, the franchise model is at least developing in the right direction. Moreover, EA revealed today that the third update will introduce improvements in trade logic and better options for tracking your franchise history. Hope they can continue this momentum into Madden NFL 22.