EA Update on Coronavirus Situation

Mar-20-2020 PST Category: Madden 20

The electronic arts team has released measures in the electronic arts community in the event of an outbreak:

In an unprecedented time, these are unprecedented days. As the world works to limit the spread of the coronavirus pandemic, a wide range of social and cultural changes are affecting our daily lives. We want to take a moment to introduce you to what we do at Electronic Arts to ensure the health and well-being of our employees, while also ensuring that everyone can continue to play their favorite games.

Since January, we have set up a global task force to closely monitor changes in coronaviruses and work daily to respond to people's changing needs in real-time. We have been evaluating the exposure risks we face in offices where we have offices, guided by advice from local and federal health authorities and information we have obtained from our own team. In Asia, we have worked in accordance with regional health and government guidance. We previously closed offices in Shanghai, Singapore and Seoul, and Milan offices and worked from home. As the situation in Shanghai and Singapore stabilizes, our team will now resume work under the guidance of regional health officials. Our locations in Seoul and Milan remain closed, and these teams continue to work remotely.

We implemented global travel restrictions in late February, except for rare cases, where all travel was canceled, and we have been working with local leaders in each office and studio to use the information we have to do for our employees Make the best decisions. At the same time, we have been planning business continuity to ensure that our employees have the support and resources they need to work from home. Our IT and security team has expanded our remote work system to include the deployment of VPN capacity upgrades so that in addition to standard business operations, our studio and development work can continue at home.

As of today, we have strongly advised all employees in North America, Europe, and Australia to work from home until April 1st to help limit potential coronavirus exposure and minimize the social spread of the disease. Many of these sites, including our Redwood Shores headquarters, already offer employees the option to work from home, and now it's time to take bigger steps. At these sites we have very limited staff to perform business-critical functions-everyone else will work remotely. Our senior executives, site directors, and IT teams have been working together to help us prepare for this.

We have also taken steps to ensure that suppliers and contractors who provide services on-site at our factories will continue to be paid even if they are unable to work from home.

When we take these steps for employees in the electronic art world, we are also very focused on minimizing disruption to players. We are confident in our continuity plan. We don't want teams working at home to cause major changes in games or services, but we are also learning through this process, and patience will be key. We have been talking to and working with teams around the world to evolve as the situation changes.

This is a challenging time for everyone. We are working hard to take care of our employees and their families and to ensure that we are taking correct and responsible steps to fight this pandemic. We have an amazing technical team that makes all of these things possible, and we appreciate it. Now we have thousands of employees bringing the devices home, so we can keep our games and services running and continue working on new projects. We may do this at home all over the world, but we are doing everything we can to help you. Everyone wants to be safe and healthy.

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