A Comprehensive Guide to Quick Advancement in New World

Mar-07-2024 PST Category: New World

A Comprehensive Guide to Quick Advancement in New World

Embarking on your journey in New World's endgame requires a solid understanding of the Expertise System (formerly known as High Water Mark) to ascend to the pinnacle of Gear Score. In this guide, we'll delve into the intricacies of Expertise, exploring efficient ways to raise it quickly and make significant progress in the game's endgame content.

Upon reaching Level 60, you enter the realm of Expertise, the Gear Progression System for max-level characters. At this stage, most gear encountered is at a Gear Score of 500, and the Expertise System facilitates a gradual climb towards the maximum Gear Score of 600.

Each dropped item carries the potential to increase your Expertise Level, commonly known as a "bump." These bumps range from a minimum increase of 2 Expertise to a maximum of 5 Expertise, averaging around 35 bumps to elevate an item from GS 500 to GS 600.

Notably, each weapon type and equipment category progresses independently, resulting in 20 distinct Expertise levels across the 12 weapons and 8 armor and trinket slots.

To supplement the reliance on RNG-based drops, New World introduces the Gypsum Crafting System. Scheduled to be fully implemented in early 2022, this system aims to influence the effectiveness of weapons and armor acquired through trades that surpass your current Expertise.

Crafting your gear or downscaling market-purchased items to your current Expertise becomes crucial under this system. However, community feedback has sparked debate on whether this change will persist, making it uncertain if AGS will proceed with its implementation. Regardless, it is expected to impact new players more significantly than existing ones.

The Gypsum Crafting System empowers players with a more controlled approach to Expertise progression, offering daily opportunities for guaranteed Expertise Bumps. Completing various in-game activities, such as defeating mobs, engaging in trade skills, or participating in Outpost Rush or events, rewards players with distinct-colored Gypsum.

Eight standard Gypsum varieties are available, with a ninth exclusive to events. The variety of activities ensures a diverse range of Gypsum types, each requiring a different total amount and offering an estimated 30-60 minutes of gameplay per task.

These Gypsum can be utilized at the Gypsum Kiln to craft Gypsum Orbs, with an independent cooldown for each type. The Gypsum Orbs, in turn, can be converted into Gypsum Casts, providing a guaranteed Expertise Bump for the chosen item type.

For players seeking rapid Expertise advancement, strategic Gypsum routes prove instrumental. Two notable routes, the Reekwater Gypsum Route and the Edencleave Gypsum Route, cater to different preferences and playstyles.

The Reekwater Gypsum Route, covering key locations like Protector Arena and Lazarus Expedition, offers a comprehensive strategy for obtaining various Gypsum types efficiently. The alternate route provides a slightly slower option but encompasses a broader area, including Outpost Rush and Siren's Stand.

For those favoring the Edencleave region, the Gypsum route spans from Valor Hold Outpost to Great Cleave, incorporating Outpost Rush, Malevolence, Monoecious Arena, and other significant locations.

Beyond Gypsum routes, players can opt for more traditional methods of grinding Expertise. Elite Chest Runs in high-level areas, such as Myrkgard and Malevolence, present an opportunity to secure Expertise Bumps efficiently. World Tours, where groups sweep through Elite Chest Runs, enhance the experience for dedicated players.

Additionally, Expeditions and Mutator Runs provide another avenue for Expertise advancement. With a generous weekly limit, players can engage in these activities to accumulate Expertise Bumps and gather valuable materials for crafting.

By combining these strategies, players can tailor their approach to suit their preferences and playstyles, ensuring a swift ascent through the Expertise System and mastering the endgame content in New World.

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